12-23-16 Weekly Round-up
A few articles and concepts that could be a good read for creatives and developers. As this year draws to a close be on the lookout for “best of” the year posts.
As the mobile web browser becomes more powerful will there be a need for native apps?
Great checklist of optimizing your website’s performance.
A quick overview of trendy color options for websites. Vibrant Colors For Apps and Sites
Color is one of the most powerful tools in the designer’s toolkit. Color can draw attention, set a mood, influence users’ emotions, perceptions, and actions. When it comes to web & mobile app design, this is definitely the time of vibrant colors. Designers use vibrant colors to make people focus their attention on important elements and make their design …
OMG, the year-end list of visual design systems. Design Systems in 2016 and how to make your own
2016 was a great year for UX. Many great articles were published and many exceptional thoughts were shared.
One of the important topics in UX was the so-called “Design Systems”.
I’d like to share with you a list of Design Systems and a recap of helpful articles to help you get started with creating your own Design System.
So many upcoming trends, so little time. 18 web design trends for 2017
Discover the web design trends that will define website and digital product design in 2017 — and beyond.